Web development

Select works from my portfolio along with thoughts on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other front-end development topics.

Goodbye Gatsby, Hello Hugo

Hugo has ruined me. Other static site generators that rely on community plugins and copypasta to fill out their gaps don’t cut it anymore…

Jekyll’s site.url and baseurl

Learn what Jekyll’s site url and baseurl variables are and how to properly set them with relative_url and absolute_url filters to avoid broken links and 404 errors.

2 Little Rosebuds

Creative and site development for 2 Little Rosebuds — a blog all about subscription boxes.

Twenty Nineteen

First time doing a year in review post. The statistics contained are just for fun as there’s nothing to compare them against yet.

Faster Netlify builds

Slowly but surely, I’ve been chipping away at my site’s build time on Netlify. There’s little left for me to optimize until Jekyll drops some nice updates in version 4.

Autumn refresh

Using CSS Grid Layout Module to redesign a Jekyll site and further improve performance and accessibility.

Relic Scout

Site design and creative for Relic Scout — an app to make collecting simpler, while saving you money.

Eko Wave

Site design and creative for Eko Wave — a team specializing in niche applications.

Jekyll themes

Open source Jekyll themes to get you started building a site or blog on GitHub Pages, Netlify, and other hosts.

CSS blur effect

Playing with the new Depth Effect (aka fauxkeh) on my iPhone 7 Plus got me thinking about Gaussian blurs, and how to improve their use on this site.

Using SSI to detect cookies

In my never ending quest to micro-optimize the hell out of my site, I ran into a snag when trying to use SSI directives to improve the loading of critical CSS and cached stylesheets.

Minimal Mistakes

A flexible two-column Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.

How I'm using Jekyll in 2016

Documenting my approach to using Jekyll, how that’s evolved over the years, and web development learnings I’ve picked up along the way.


Jekyll blog theme designed to give your site a tumble-log look.

So Simple

A simple Jekyll theme for words and pictures.