Mix by FiftyThree initial thoughts

I’m the type of person that learns how something is made by dissecting and examining its every nook and cranny. Obsessively digging through #MadeWithPaper streams on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram I’ve become frustrated with the lack of fidelity of those posts.

Mix heart

On Tumblr images max out at 1280 × 960 pixels, on Twitter it’s 1024 × 768, and Instagram a wimpy 640 × 640. None of these sizes come close to the iPad’s native resolution of 2048 × 1536, which is a real problem for someone like me. Ha!

With the release of Mix today, FiftyThree is making nuts like me very happy. I can now easily:

  • Flip through a never ending stream of inspiration.
  • Save said inspiration to my local journals.
  • Learn from other creators by examining their original works in the medium they were created in.
  • Share what I’ve learned as starter sketches, tutorials, and guides to be remixed on.

If you’re one of the lucky Paper creators to get an invite to Mix (or soon will be) feel free to join me in the Mix. If you’ve followed my Mastering Paper by 53 series of tutorials or PaperFaces portraits then you’ll probably enjoy what I’m sharing.

How to draw a face

How to draw a mountainscape

The twins illustrated

Easiest way to follow me is by visiting my Mix profile and clicking on the i icon. You can also try searching for me in Paper by swiping down while in the Mix and typing “Michael Rose.”

Search Mix for Michael
