iPod battery settlement program status
Last week I finally got an iPod return kit for my busted 3G iPod and dropped it off at DHL. The next day Apple’s repair status page informed me the problem was identified and that I was awaiting a replacement iPod. It has now said the same thing for the past five days:
Product replacement pending
Which according to Apple means: a replacement iPod will be shipped to me shortly. Does this mean my iPod is toast and there were more problems than just a bad battery? Most reports online indicate I’m getting a refurbished one, which often come looking and acting brand new.
Mine is pretty old so would it be far fetched for them to send me a newer generation model? Maybe one with a color display? I doubt it… but I don’t really care what I get at this point. Just give me an iPod that has 40GB’s or more of hard drive space so I can enjoy some tunes in the car. I can’t stand the radio for much longer.
Update. Wow a package from DHL was waiting for me when I got home from work today. Looks like the replaced just the battery because my iPod appears to be the same. Good. Tomorrow is the test to see if it lasts more than 5 seconds on a charge. Otherwise its a new 80GB iPod for me.