Bubble Bubble

Black and white digital watercolor and pencil portrait of a topless woman blowing a large bubble gum bubble from the side.

PaperFaces portrait of Kalani O. inspired by a photograph on Sktchy.

I often find I work quick when dealing in gray-scale — when the contrast is dialed up high. To sell the realism in this one I spent a good deal of time drawing individual strands of hair with the pencil tool.

Started with dark grays and gradually increased the brightness until I was selectively adding wisps of pure white. A few coats of gray watercolor to smoothen out any abrupt transitions of color, and I called it a day.

Work in process screenshot

Work in process screenshot

Tools used:

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Hair Scarf

PaperFaces portrait of Brooke T. drawn with Paper for iOS on an iPad.

Unstoppable Hand

PaperFaces portrait of Katelyn M. drawn with Paper for iOS on an iPad.

Broken Neck Lines

PaperFaces portrait of the Becca P.J. drawn with Paper for iOS on an iPad.