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  • Beard

    Artwork and other errata celebrating the process of growing facial hair… from mustaches to yeards.
  • Black and white

    Artwork lacking any significant color… monochrome, grayscale, two-tone, and other desaturated goodness.
  • Bokeh

    Artwork that is partially blurred or out of focus for aesthetic reasons.
  • Design

    Select design works from my portfolio along with thoughts on typography, layout, and other visual design topics.
  • Drawing

    Tutorials and thoughts on drawing digitally and with traditional media such as pencil, paint, pen, charcoal, etc.
  • Entertainment

    Rants and reviews about the games, films, and music I’ve experienced.
  • Life

    Reflections, journals, happenings, and other bits related to my life.
  • Open source

    Themes, software, and source code I’ve made available for others to use and learn from.
  • Painting

    Artwork painted traditionally and digitally on iPad.
  • Paper app

    Paper by WeTransfer is a sketching, drawing, painting, diagraming, wireframing, and collaging app for iPad and iPhone. The following tutorials and tricks are from my Mastering Paper series.
  • Pencil by 53

    Pencil is a smart stylus designed by FiftyThree for their iPad sketching app, Paper. Pre-dating Apple’s own stylus, Pencil’s unique tip and exclusive blend feature made it a favorite with Paper diehards.
  • Pogo Connect

    iPad pressure sensitive stylus with interchangeable tips designed to work with older models of iPad prior to Apple releasing their own stylus.
  • Portrait

    Artistic representations of people (mostly strangers) that have been created in digital and traditional media.
  • Procreate

    Digital artwork painted with the iPad OS app Procreate, by Savage Interactive.
  • Reviews

    Musings, thoughts, and rants about various “things”… some more in-depth than others.
  • Sktchy app

    Drawings and paintings inspired by photographs shared by users of the social app Sktchy.
  • Star Wars

    Artwork inspired by and directly referencing characters and events from the Star Wars universe.
  • Static sites

    Musings and tutorials about building websites using static site generators (SSG) and what is commonly referred to as the jamstack.
  • Tech geek

    Where technology and geek intersect.
  • TIL

    Short hand for Today I Learned (TIL). An archive of learnings captured for educational purposes and posterity.
  • Time-lapse

    Artwork and photography captured over an extended period of time to show significant changes and process.
  • Tutorials

    Guides, short how-tos, and extensive tutorials explaining a variety of topics.
  • Vinyl records

    The fine art of collecting analog audio pressed on vinyl.
  • Web development

    Select works from my portfolio along with thoughts on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other front-end development topics.